First of all, thanks to all of the girls who came to Alden Estates of Barrington this morning through cold and windy last minute cancellations, parents, you are the best! Despite our small performance area, the girls entertained the elderly, their parents and Alden staff members with energy and lots of big smiles. The Christmas caroling was adorable and thanks to Mrs. Albrecht for stepping in off the cuff, towards the end, to lead the girls in an amazing round of Silent Night, Oh Come all Ye Faithful and We Wish You A Merry Christmas! We saw residents singing along, tapping their feet, clapping and smiling. This is so heart warming to ua.... to see our girls bring happiness to the elderly in a nursing home during the Christmas season, is what this time of year is all about. After the sing along, the girls passed out home made decorations for resident's rooms and greeting cards full of well wishes. They were all so grateful and appreciated our visit very much.
This was such a Heart Adventure weekend full of giving, sharing and helping those who need it most. We appreciate our Premier girls so much. They continue to shine in many ways and it makes us so proud!