Last night was our final practice, and now it's time to celebrate, with the performance at the Bull's Game on Saturday, and the Family Banquet on Sunday. Tuesday we will be having our end of the year showcase and food drive event at the Lake Barrington Field House, please come and join the fun!
It's hard to believe this season has come to an end.... Everyone worked so hard, and showed such support throughout the year..
A thousand thank you's wouldn't be enough to express our gratitude and appreciation for our Premier Family. We will miss everyone so very much but we know it won't be long until we will meet again as we get ready for our third year with P.P.E!
(We have some exciting news to share, so stay tuned!)
In the mean time, if your child is interested in P.P.E. for 2011-2012, please send us an e-mail at with the following information:
*Parent's Name
*Child's Name
*Child's Birthday
*The school your child will be attending in the Fall of 2011.
*Parent's e-mail
*Parent's phone number
We will be having a Parent Information Meeting in May, for all who are interested in learning more about Premier Poms Experience. (Date TBA) *Our season does not officially begin until the Fall, but this is when we get things rolling!
Clinics will be on Tuesday May 17th, Wednesday 18th, Thursday May19th, and Evaluations will be on Friday, May 20th at the Lake Barrington Field House. More details to come...
Jen, Sue, Michele
"...because it's not just poms, it's the experience!"