We want the girls to know how proud we were with their performances at the Family Fun and Fitness Fair last Sunday...They worked so hard and the smiles they wore lit up the entire place. We also noticed how supportive and encouraging they were to the other teams who were performing! This kind of positive energy is the essence of C2!
Last tuesday the girls had a GREAT practice ~ everyone really pulled together..We know that after a long day of school it's sometimes hard to gear up for practice, but these girls really show up with great attitudes and effort.
After practice, the junior team worked on making cards for children who are in the hospital. They wrote the most beautiful messages and decorated the cards with encouraging art work. We will be doing more of this after today's practice. We love the compassion these girls demonstrate.
Thanks to all of you who showed up on Sunday, we appreciate your ongoing support!
Have great day!
Jen, Sue, Michele